Friday, May 22, 2009

PDF Converter Product Details has come with a really efficient conversion software PDF converter. This conversion software is capable of extracting images, can handle large files and even multilingual. This software enables you to select the folder where you intend to save your converted file.

Features of PDF converter
Retaintion : This Pdf to Word software is capable of identifying paragraphs, text, table labels, graphics and create replica with retaining the formatting. The converted document resembles the the original.
Image extraction : This software handles images very efficiently by virtue of its image extraction property.
Multiformat handling : PDF converter can convert pdf to any format from word to rft.
Multilingual conversion: It can handle conversions in 9 languages.
User friendly interface: This software enables you customization of interface as per your priorities and no technical training needed for same.

For more information, please visit our website :

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